Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the simpsons movie (2007)/futurama: bender's big score (2007)

OK! Here's a two-fer:

The Simpsons Movie:
This movie is exactly what I was hoping it
would be. As my friend illajikal puts it, "It's a really long episode of the show..."
This is good. I only had a few hopes for this movie.

1. Be funny.

2. Don't be completely centered on Homer hurting himself... But let it happen a bit.

3. Don't re-use old jokes from the show. If this movie has Lenny(who I love)
saying "AAah! My eye! I'm not suppose to get (anything) in it!..."
I'm going to plotz! (not good. Lenny's eye joke has already expired)

They have made me happy. They did not reuse old jokes, Homer's pain
is a at a decent level, and it is funny.
Great work, fellas! One critique: There is a scene where an angry mob
breaks into the Simpsons' house and knock the door down. They come
in thirsty for blood and are held at bay by Maggie, but in the next shot,
the door is attached again, and the mob is outside and homer is
boarding up the door.
This is my only complaint about this one. Otherwise, it had what
the Simpsons' usually has, plus beefed up in artwork and animation
for the movie as well as the irony and irreverence we fans have come to

Futurama: Bender's Big Score:

This one gets a similar rating except that I laughed a pant-load more
for this one!
Hilarious! And they have a really clever way of tying in the entire
series together
and make sense, and fun, of not making sense. And it all comes
together in the smartest, most ridiculous ways. I found one or two
things predictable, but that didn't hurt it for me.

But this is me here, so you know I spotted a mistake:
There is a part of the movie where Lela's pet, Nibbler, tries to intervene by
calling the rest of his species in to help by yelling "NIBBLONIANS! ATTACK!"
The problem is (nerd alert!)that the planet Nibbler was collected from was called Vergon 6.
Nibbler was rescued from there before it kerploded. He should be the only one of
his species left, unless there are others of his kind on other planets, which I will accept. However, HIS NAME is Nibbler. Not his species! He was named Nibbler by Lela when she witnessed him
eating other species on Vergon 6 just after she discovered the little guy. If his entire species
and planet were nibblonia, even though she found him on Vergon 6, that would just
be the weirdest coincidence. This is the only flaw that i have noticed. It's a big one, but as luck would have it, it happens in the future! So, it's completely preventable!

Either way, I laughed a lot! And I'm sure I will when i watch it again. Which I will.
If you were a fan of the show and were sorry to hear it was cancelled,
Just grab this movie! It picks up nicely.
Plus, it's from the future!


P.S. The show has been picked up again after 4 full length films and will be airing new episodes soon. :)

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