Tuesday, January 13, 2009

august underground (2001)

August Underground:

This film is suppose to be set up to look like a snuff film, where a few
morbid pals are filming the abuse and killing of kidnapped townsfolk.

This one was very tame for me. The idea of what you see is disturbing,
but watching it isn't. Any scene with any sort of blood already has the
blood on it from start to finish. Nothing happens in this film. It's made
to look like a home video of a few sadistic pals who kidnap, torture and
mutilate people. But don't worry, faint of heart, you won't see any
of this.
It is all implied. (fuck. I just went through this with the hostels...)
All deaths are already, severed limbs are already just sitting
there, and there is our main girl tied up in a chair who you witness
nothing happening to.
She is missing a nipple, but you don't see it get cut off, and you can
kinda see it grow back later, so she'll prolly pull through.
What really ruined the realism for me with this one is that these pals
go about like pub crawl jocks and are quite proud of what they do,
except that every time something may happen, the pal with the camera
either puts it down, points it away, or leaves the room.
Seems odd if they're all about documenting what they're doing.
Anywho, the idea of being kidnapped and tortured is there, but
the act is not.

Sorry august underground. Sorry I saw you.


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